
苏醒 Waking

在3画廊很高兴邀请您参加艺术家Canal Cheong-Jagerroos(张彤茹)于画廊的第一个个展《苏醒》。Canal是一位出生于澳门,生活在芬兰赫尔辛基,且在国际上颇受好评的艺术家。展览将从2017年3月30日持续到2017年4月29日,展出Canal于北京艺术驻留期间创作的三张大尺幅绘画和一件现成品装置,以及在赫尔辛基的工作室创作的若干小尺幅绘画作品。开幕酒会将在3月30日(周四)下午的4点开始,欢迎大家前来。

Canal生长于澳门的一个深受中国传统艺术熏陶的家庭里。自1992年,她开始使用中国的写意画法作为她的绘画手法,并深受八大山人 (1626—1705)中国抽象意识的启发。这一切令Canal的绘画将中国古典符号与当代日常的元素相融合在一起,创造出了一个梦境般的世界。在她的创作道路上,她探索物质材料与非物质世界的特性,并尝试了许多创作方法,这些方法有的只是灵光一现,有的则持续了很长一段时间。她经常将自己置于消极与积极两种对立元素的冲突之中,而这些冲突最终都能在她富有创造性、和谐表达的画面中消解了。

在这个探索的过程中,艺术家“乌托邦主义“的想法跃然纸上——通过将宣纸上绘画好的作品撕碎、破坏、分离甚至不经意的踩踏,然后再一层层叠加在画布之上,描绘了不同时空纬度之间的相互交错。这种类似于西方早期立体派的纸张黏贴手法(法:Papier collé)在Canal这里被进阶到一个更加自我、深入、细微的表达。整个创作充满了建构、解构、再建构的过程。丙烯、墨、中国传统绘画颜料以及现成品的综合使用,使艺术家在布面上构建出了丰富的“深层次感”;又通过中国图示与西方元素的结合,利用象征性的符号将过去与现在的链接在一起,勾勒出艺术家心中渴望的那个宁静而和谐的乌托邦世界。


Being 3 Gallery is pleased to invite you to the opening reception for our first exhibition with an international acclaim, Macao born and Helsinki Based artist Canal Cheong-Jagerroos. The exhibition Waking will be on view from March 30 to April 29, 2017, showcasing Canal’s three large-scale paintings and one ready- made installation created during her residency in Beijing, along with several small-scale paintings created from her studio in Helsinki. The opening reception will be held on Thursday, March 30 from 4pm- 8pm.

Canal grew up in Macau, China, in a family steeped in traditional Chinese art.In 1992, Canal began working in Chinese freehand style brush-strokes on her pattern paintings, inspired by the works of Chinese ancient abstract great master Bada Shenren’s (1626—1705). All of this influenced Canal’s focus shift to Chinese ancient symbols combined with modern daily elements to extract a dreamlike world. Along the creative path, she has tried numerous creative approaches, both fleetingly and for longer periods, in her exploration of the nature of the material and immaterial realm. She is often confronted and challenged by positive and negative elements, their resolutions being ultimately manifested in the interplay of novel harmonious expressions.

In the process of this exploration, the idea of utopianism started to emerge ——through tearing, destroying, separating or even inadvertently trampling on the rice paper on which the artist has already painted, she was then overlapping layers and layers of the paintings with Xuan paper on the canvas Here, the analogy between the early 20th century Western Cubist’s Papier collé with Canal’s collage technique is advanced to a more self-centered, deep, yet subtle expression. The whole creation process is fully involved with construction, deconstruction, and reconstruct. By using multiple layers of rice paper, acrylic, ink, traditional Chinese pigments and ready made objects which are incorporated together, the artist make it possible to derive a sense of depth on canvas.; again, by blending ancient Chinese motifs and modern elements, she integrates the past with the present through symbolic creations that depict the peace and harmony of a utopian world.

The exhibition will last till April 29, 2017, warmly welcome you to come and visit.