在3画廊荣幸宣布,将于2019年3月16日下午四时,举办来自西班牙加泰罗尼亚艺术家乔治·R·庞贝(Jorge R.Pombo)在中国的首次个展:《变奏—1552丁托列托—乔治.R.庞贝个展》。作为在3画廊的最新代理艺术家,乔治·R·庞贝将呈现他最具代表性的系列作品:“变奏-丁托列托”,向中国艺术界展示其独特的工作方式、成就及非凡的创造性。以此加入全球庆祝文艺复兴大师丁托列托诞辰500年的艺术盛典。
2015年,他再次搬到雷焦·埃米利亚(Reggio Emilia)的住处,目前他在那里工作。他定期在西班牙、意大利、法国、德国和美国的画廊展出作品,也曾在沃拉夫-理查德兹博物馆(科隆)、格兰德博物馆、米兰大教堂博物馆、威尼斯圣罗科大饭店和坎弗拉米斯酒店等机构展出。
2018 “Tintoretto·Pombo”,威尼斯Scuola Grande di San Rocco。意大利2018 “对Tintoretto的无辜大屠杀的变奏”,Artantide画廊,维罗纳。意大利2018 “Tintoretto的变奏曲”,Artur Ramon Art Gallery,巴塞罗那。西班牙2017 “Tintoretto的变奏曲”,Wallraf博物馆,科隆,德国。特别项目。
2016 “Tintoretto的变奏曲”,Stefano Forni画廊,博洛尼亚。意大利。
2014 “卢卡- 激情”,意大利卢卡圣克里斯托弗罗教堂。
2018 “Arteologia”,威尼斯考古博物馆(Museo Correr),威尼斯。意大利。2017 “艺术空间”,联合研究中心。伊斯普拉,维埃纳,索非亚,威尼斯,卡尔斯鲁厄,蒙特卡洛。
2015 “夏天的博物馆”,瑞士Chevenez的Courant d'Art画廊。
2012 “和艺术共处”,伦敦,佳士得的拍卖会。
It is an honor for Being 3 Gallery to announce that we will hold the first solo exhibition of Spanish Catalan artist Jorge R. Pombo in China: Variations on a 1522 Tintoretto—Jorge R.Pombo Solo Exhibition on March 16, 2019 at 4:00 PM. As the newest artist in Being 3 Gallery, Jorge R. Pombo will present his most representative series of works, Variations on Tintoretto, to show the Chinese art world his unique working style, achievements andextraordinary creativity. Join the world to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Renaissance master Tintoretto's 500th birthday.
Born in Barcelona in 1973, Jorge R. Pombo traveled to the Arctic, Greenland and Siberia. After that, he returned to Barcelona and carried out a series of reflections in the comparison of different cultures. In 2010, he moved to New York, where he was attracted by the passionate action style of abstract expressionism and devoted himself to the expression of the abstract relationship between body and space. Pombo's works in this exhibition focus on the bold painting and transformation of the masterpieces of the Venetian master Tintoretto. He integrated the humanistic rationality of the Renaissance and the Willem De Kooning style into his own large and powerful painting action. color and sculpture can be traced back to the Renaissance of Venetian and Michelangelo. in the end, through the "abstract destruction" way, the characters and space are merged together, the subject is blurred, and the meaning is eliminated. It seems to be looking for ways to represent the lost images in history, which exactly coincides with the tangible and intangible ideas in Chinese culture.
Pombo's "variations on Tintoretto" series, which won great fame at the Venice architecture biennale, are well known not only in Italy, but also in other European cities such as cologne and other art regions. Pombo first faced the East, and his questioning attitude and methodology on the text itself undoubtedly brought new insights into Chinese contemporary art.
Jorge R. Pombo
born in Barcelona (Spain) in 1973. He studied Graphic Design at the ElisavaSchool in Barcelona.
At the age of 24, in 1998, he moved to Paris instinctively attracted by the art and history of this city.
In 1999, back again in Barcelona, he began a series of stays in different places of cultural contrast
starting with the Arctic, especially Greenland and Siberia, initially attracted by the frozen landscape
and extreme weather. Later he will do the same in other landscapes such as Tibet or India.
Always moved by a natural anthropological curiosity, in 2010 he moves to New York, seduced by
its chaotic energy. He will reside for almost five years and will deepen in the study of abstract
expressionist painters and, above all, the statements of The Balck Mountain College. In 2015 he
changed residence again to Reggio Emilia, where he currently works.
He exhibits regularly in galleries in Spain, Italy, France, Germanyand the United States. He has
also exhibited his work in institutions such as the Wallraf-Richartz Museum (Cologne), the Grande
Museo del Duomo (Milano), La Scuola Grande di San Rocco (Venice) and Can Framis (Barcelona).
SOLO SHOWS (selection)
2018 “Tintoretto · Pombo”, Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice. Italy
2018 “Variations on Tintoretto's The Massacre of the Innocents”, Artantide Gallery, Verona. Italy
2017 “Variations on Tintoretto”, Wallraf Museum, Cologne, Germania. Special Project.
2016 “Variations on Tintoretto”, Stefano Forni Gallery, Bologna. Italy.
2014 “Lucca - The Passion”, San Cristoforo Church, Lucca, Italy.
GROUP SHOWS (selection)
2018 “Arteologia”, Museo Archeologico di Venezia (Museo Correr), Venice. Italy.
2017 “Art Spaces”, JointReserach Center. Ispra, Viena, Sofia, Venezia, Karlsruhe, Monte Carlo.
2015 “A museum for a summer” Courant d’Art Gallery, Chevenez, Switzerland.
2012 “Living with Art”, London, Christie´s auctionfeb. 10. London. UK.