Jin Sha:Themessage
Lu Peng:Party
Zhu Wei:Inkand Wash Research Lectures
撰文 / 史珏丽Julie Segraves
对工笔艺术家金沙来说,1988年是至关重要的一年,原因有二: 一、他迷上了文艺复兴时期的艺术,这一浓厚兴趣影响了他未来多年的创作过程;二、他被著名的中央美术学院艺术学位项目录取。
史珏丽Julie Segraves
Jin Sha
The year 1988 was pivotal for the gongbi artist, Jin Sha, fortwo reasons: he became fascinated with Renaissance art,an area, which would influence his creative process formany years to come, and he was accepted into the artdegree program at the prestigious Central Academy ofFine Art.
His attraction to the Renaissance and its art is based on the various significant traits which Renaissance Europe and contemporary China share: healthy economies and the ensuing prosperity of many of their citizens, fast paced social and cultural changes, the swift rise of the super rich, and the subsequent emergence of culture built upon consumption, greed and corruption. Along with the realities of these two historic periods, both RenaissanceEurope and contemporary China also witnessed the creationof their own distinctive, groundbreaking art.
Utilizing Renaissance masterpieces as inspiration for many of his paintings, Jin Sha offers his viewers a new take on familiar and famous Western art and imaginatively preserves the attire of his subjects, but eliminates their actual figures, leaving his viewers to contemplate corresponding contemporary replacements.