本月,在3画廊重磅回归artsy平台,将在artsy同步进行线上售卖。artsy作为最具影响力的国际性线上艺术品销售平台,拥有40多个国家、180家以上的画廊合作伙伴,雄厚的藏家群体。搭载的art genes技术可通过超550项的判断特征推荐出用户可能感兴趣的艺术品。为当下艺术品线上销售提供了新的可能。
Artsy账号:Being 3 Gallery
This month, at the 3 gallery heavy return to the artsy platform, online sales will be synchronized at artsy. As the most influential international online art sales platform, artsy has more than 180 gallery partners in more than 40 countries and a strong collector group. The equipped art genes technology can recommend artworks that may be of interest to users through over 550 judgment features. Provides new possibilities for the current online sale of art.
The return to the artsy platform at 3 Gallery not only brought art sales online, but also another powerful move to further promote gallery acting artists worldwide.
As of the end of this month, all agency artist works will be uploaded one after another. Artists who wish to cooperate are welcome to contact us. New and old collectors can follow the artsy platform in 3 galleries through the client or web version.
Artsy account: Being 3 Gallery
Website link: https://www.artsy.net/being-3-gallery