展厅入口是一联排作品:《霍元艾小甲鱼之奇缘》。 这些作品根据80年代电影版连环画《霍元甲》剧照,虚构成一个新的故事。这件作品极具有私密情感和反思深意。70年代出生的艺术家,是在这些“小人书”的亲密陪伴下成长的,它们不仅丰富孩子的精神生活,也塑造极具民族主义色彩的“英雄”偶像供孩子膜拜……在经历了一系列的岁月涤荡以后,艺术家重新来晒晾儿时的精神食粮,抖落出一连串模糊印记。显然,他不再沿用英雄化这个传统程序,而是建构了复杂而微妙的“人性”故事。
In the after of August 19th, 2017, artist Yu Aijun’s solo exhibition “Grope in the Dark” was unveiled at the Being 3 Gallery in Beijing. Usually, paintings are displayed on white walls, but Yu Aijun’s paintings are hung from the Church, invading this space that readily displays the passage of time, denoting the privilege art holds over time and space.
Yu Aijun’s pieces take the ever-changing discussions about paintings back to its essence. He doesn’t fix down painting, thereby liberating paintings from the Western tradition of easel art; he continues to express, through his paintings, himself, his emotions, what he sees, thinks, the strange, the mind… he does not seek to please anyone, and releases paintings from utilitarianism and stylism; more importantly, art, as an expression of the artist, never meets the awkward situation of reading the words “paintings are dead” literally. When Danto announced that “paintings are dead”, he really means that paintings are now expanding beyond the easel, and the artist’s freedom has been expanded!
Examining Yu Aijun’s works, one finds that those intricate, unclear lines hide a rich world underneath. He is not just describing the skin of skins, but in the chaos, he is depicting detailed examinations and undercurrents. Saying that they are difficult is not fair! These pieces are not didactic, and do not philosophize, but are filled with humanity and expression: they are as animated as bulls in cave paintings, as in “Shooting Pigs”; or they act like a seance, depicting modern people in an ambiguous way, such as in “For No Reason”; In some pieces, the colors and scratches pour out like emotions, in “The Tragedy of Lean-To Houses”, noise and secrets pour in from all sides; Some depict weird trees and a slogan of a village, such as in “This Is a Scary Place, and then We…”, “Zhangshabu New Village Welcomes You”… the titles of the pieces are like lines of poetry and exclamation! These pieces are proofs of the artist’s life of the mind. In the face of such animated expressions of living, the formalities of aesthetics cave and break.
At the entrance of the exhibition are a series of painting: “The Accidents of HuoYuanAi XiaoJiaYu”. These pieces are based on stills from an animated series in the 80’s, and constructs a new story. This piece has both private emotions and reflective meaning. Artists born in the 70’s grew up reading these books, and they not only enriched the children’s mental lives, but also provided a “hero” of the local culture for the kids to idolize… after the passage of time, the artist suns his childhood mental food, and shakes out a bunch of fuzzy icons. Obviously, he is no longer making a hero out of this tradition, but rather, giving it some “humanity” in the new story.
Another piece that has to do with the artist’s private emotions is the piece “Grandma’s Forest”. It is displayed in a separate area, with a ceremonial feeling of remembering a loved one. The artist uses his grandma’s portrait, but only the outline. The trees looks more like fossilized leaves — flat, solid, yet displaying minute movement, complete structure, and intricate networks. “Grandma’s Forest” seals the precious tracks of life, as if it is trying to tell some ancient story that has happened a long time ago, and is no longer clear.
Artist Yu Aijun says, this exhibition discusses the other possibilities of painting at its awkward stage. In this age of overflowing visual information, where value and criticism are put at the forefront, in the consumerist age of paintings that display obvious styles and act as practical decorations, even in the links of the chain of art history, who can deny the truth of “paintings are dead”? Nowadays, paintings have become submissive. Between fighting with photography, between theory and academia, in the display windows of stores and on the walls of museums, trying to decide on the value of paintings is absurd. For, from the time of the bull being painted onto the stone wall, the eternity of painting as the instinct of life’s truth and expression has been declared!
Yu Aijun’s “Grope in the Dark” has reached the deeps of the life of the mind, with a mental narrative that has never lost its potency, and breaking through the covers of technology and knowledge.